A galaxy not imaged very often.NGC 5033 is an inclined spiral galaxy located in the constellation Canes Venatici. Distance estimates vary from between 38 to 60 million light years from the Milky Way Galaxy. The galaxy has a very bright nucleus and a relatively faint disk. Significant warping is visible in the southern half of the disk.source: wikipedia.org I only had a few hours for this, so quality isnt great, the color layers are especially noisy. I still thought it was worth presenting, as this is such an unusual galaxy.(I know the stars on the top right corner look funky - time to revisit collimation)  Acquired from Lake Sonoma, CA on April, 17 2015L: 8 x 600sR. G. B: 20 x 300sTotal exposure time: 6h20m Main Camera: QSI 583 WSGGuide Camera: SX Lodestar (on OAG)Mount: Astro-Physics Mach 1Scope: Celestron Edge HD 8 w 0.7X reducer (FL: 1480mm)FL 1481.6 mm, 0.