This set has the parts to create a helicopter, as one of the builds in the instruction book can attest to, so I decided I should give it a go as well. I gave myself the challenge to see if I could create a slender tail, as there are only a limited number of one width plates available in the set. Some improvisation is required but you can make a decent one that will hold. For the main body I also had limited option. For a good helicopter you need a bit of height but I didnt want to make it bloated. Again the available parts simply forced the shape. I had thought not to use the wing plates but an attempt to put a shape in sideways simply didnt work with regard to where I wanted to place them. The chosen solution if the best, I think. Choices for the legs were also limited. I quickly decided to use the broad bow parts because they were the only ones of which I had four that would make a good shape. I had to try a lot of combinations until I got to the current solution. The reason for this setup is that you can put the legs sideways and they will look as an aerodynamic extension of the helicopter. The bow parts make the helicopter an obvious aircraft for sea reconnaissance, which helped me choose a name.