Of all the unofficial versions of windows ever released, this is the best and most amazing of them all. Based on Windows NT 6.0.4074 (pre-reset Longhorn build 4074), the Longhorn Reloaded project aimed to finish off what MS had started by fixing as many bugs as possible and making it a usable OS. The first Milestone 1 build of Longhorn Reloaded hit 25000 thousand downloads before the download link was taken down for copyright reasons. Some of those people saved it for over a decade on their hard drives and then shared it on the internet. I found this copy on someones website, and decided to upload it here for permanent preservation. My personal belief is that Microsoft didnt take it down for copyright reasons, since after all build 4074 was a leaked pre-release build. To explain this better, you have to look at what Microsofts programmers, who went completely rogue before the longhorn reset, did. Their idea was to create a proper futuristic OS focused on making a perfect and dream-like user experience. Like with everything else involving the idea of a perfect OS that nobody would ever want to replace, Microsoft shut this attempt down before all the bugs were ironed out. Well, this stupid move didnt kill Longhorn since some builds, like 4074, leaked. The team at joejoe.org decided to, even without the source code, fix some of the issues and make 4074 more stable and usable, hence Longhorn reloaded was born. I really hope that Microsoft learns that they cannot kill off projects like Longhorn, and that simply taking down a link to a community enhanced version will not kill it.