KM-233. S-2724, 27.15 grams, 42mm. Provincial and Civil War issue, Oxford plume mintmark on obverse only, on large flan, crowned tall, narrow, half-length bust of king left in armor holding raised sword and olive branch, plume behind, CAROLVS:D:G:MAG:BRIT:FR:ET:HIB:REX, reverse: RELIG:PROT LEG:ANG LIBER:PAR in three wavy lines, value (III) and three plumes above, date 1642 below, EXVRGAT:DEVS:DISSIPENTVR:INIMICI.:. surrounds. An especially well-centered example on a smooth, green-golden flan. Well-defined overall, save for minor localized peripheral weakness. Provenance: Ex: Spink, R.D.